The Triple Crown Series is finally opening its registration today at Cohiba Cay.
Only the first 20 surfers to register will be accepted. Everyone after that will be placed on an alternate list and be given a spot if someone cannot attend.
The first surfboard in this 3 month competition is the "Sally" by Maoli Waves & Ramps. It will be at Cohiba Cay. Surf SL has set up a house to hang out and watch the surfers on the neighboring sim, since the Cay only holds 10 surfers at a time. If you're not surfing but want to watch, please hang out there. Everyone is welcome at all times. Please, please, please remember to clean up after yourselves.
The first competition will be held on April 18th @ 12pm SLT. You do not have to check in before your heat time, so if you're in Australia or another timezone that makes that too early, please let us know and we'll get you in the very last heat so you can sleep in!
Five surfers will be eliminated in the April Competition, leaving only 15 to advance to May. The first place winner of the first competition will automatically receive a slot in the June Finals and their very own Sally surfboard full version, complete with endless textures, modifiable design, and a rezzable Popoia-style wave.
The May Competition will eliminate another set of five surfers. The surfboard chosen is the C3 held at the mountainous Cielo Surf Beach. The top 9 surfers will advance to June.
The final top ten surfers will battle it out in June. Competitors will switch to the HP5 and take on some of the most powerful and intense surf conditions in SL, determining the winner of the Triple Crown Series.
We've set aside a ton of dates to help you prepare for this amazing surfing competition:
April 3rd: Registration Opens (Only first 20 will be automatically entered)
April 4th: Training Fair: "The Sally" surfboard lessons and Judge Training (open to competitors also)
April 7th: Sally Practice and Lesson
April 11th: Training Fair: "The Sally" surfboard lessons and Judge Training (open to competitors also)
April 16th: Registration Closes (Only first 20 will be automatically entered)
To register, go to Cohiba Reef and touch the sign that says "Click to Register". It's that easy.
If you have any questions regarding the Triple Crown Series, please contact the organizers inworld: Kris Marley, Richie Di Vaio (richiemarley), and Solsty Kismet (solsty)
April Competition: Cohiba Cay
Surf SL House: Cohiba Reef
"The Sally" store: Maoli Waves & Ramps
