We're just three weeks away from the Triple Crown Series. It's time to get on your new Sally board and practice!
The organizers of the Triple Crown Series chose the Sally as the first surfboard of the competition to level the playing field. The Sally, created by Maoli Waves & Ramps was released in February 2020. "Its gonna be challenging for every surfer to learn it and surf it, we're all starting at the same time" says Richie M. Di Vaio, organizer of the competition.
The Triple Crown Series is only allowing 20 surfers to compete for the title, so ever surfer starting with a board they don't know is crucial to making it as fair as possible. Registration opens on April 3rd at Cohiba Cay and will close as soon as the first 20 sign up.
Now is the time to learn the Sally board. There will be free lessons available today and sporadically leading up to the Triple Crown event on April 18th.
Cohiba Cay has the Sally rezzer available on their shore. You can purchase the full version (waves and texture change included) at Maoli Waves & Ramps. Check out their gacha section for the Sally Lite, the surfable board without texture and wave options.
Today's Sally surf lesson will take place at Cohiba Cay @ 7am SLT. There will be another lesson at 2pm SLT tomorrow at Cohiba Cay.
For full details on the Triple Crown Series, click here.
