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ABC's of Surfing: flow & flow Boards

flow is an absolute must-know in the surf world. Their boards are some of the smoothest rides with exceptional animations and they provide some of the best surf clothes for men on the grid (sorry ladies, we've tried).

There are two facets to flow that we'll cover today: the clothing brand and the surfboard brand. The clothing brand is the simplest, so we'll start with that first.

Flow clothing brand is frequently featured at the Access, Dubai, Mens Only Monthly and Mancave events. Their style is consistently beachy and casual with amazing detail. It is a preferred brand among surf men all over the grid.

flow . Gui Short John Geralt, Gianni, Jake 250L per suit or 1000L for the fatpack

flow . Hydro Boardshorts Geralt, Gianni, Jake 200L per shorts or 800L for the fatpack

flow . Nat Swim Shorts Geralt, Gianni, Jake 200L per shorts or 1,100L for the fatpack

flow . One Wetsuit Geralt, Gianni, Jake, Slink 400L per suit or 1,200L for the fatpack

They also have amazing accessories like hats, shoes, sunglasses, and our favorite the Minimal Funboard Cover surfboard. This is not a working surfboard but creates a fun photo op for watching the waves. You can customize which wetsuit hangs off the front or remove it completely from the prop.

flow . Minimal Funboard Cover 150L each or 500L for the fatpack


Flow surfboards have a rich history in the surf community dating over 10 years.

flow inworld store Surfboard options

You still see their old rezzers around beaches but they're sadly no longer for sale. Luckily plenty of surf beaches have kept this option going for the rest of us.

Recently, within the last 3 years, flow has released two new surfboards: the PS2 and the Minimal Funboard.

flow V-Surf Minimal - Funboard 750L each or 5000L for the rezzer

The flow Minimal Funboard offers multiple sizes to fit every avatar size ranging from 7'6 to 9'1". There is also a decor version for your home and a pose version for pictures within the folder. The HUD allows you to add or remove wax from the board.

The round nose of the Funboard makes wider, slower turns in the water but is perfect for the relaxing surf day on smaller waves.

flow V-Surf PS2 - Surfboard 750L each or 5000L for the rezzer

The flow PS2 surfboard also offers multiple sizes ranging from 7'6 to 9'1" with a decor and pose version inside the folder. The PS2 HUD allows you to customize a lot of the board accessories like fins, traction pads, and plugs. You can also add or remove wax on the same HUD.

The sharp nose of the PS2 allows for faster turns that work well in larger waves. There are amazing bento animations in both boards but very limited tricks. It is the preferred board for many looking for great photos and a chill surf day.

Trying the Board

Nanogunk has the perfect display of all three board rezzers. We caught up with Robin Lobo, owner of Nanogunk, to ask her about her preferences between the three boards. "The way they turn is very different. There are other differences but .. that's the most obvious" she motioned to the old rezzer and explained, "he doesn't sell this any more but its the one I prefer. It turns really hard so you can get very aggressive under the curl"

Be sure to try all three surfboards at Nanogunk. The rezzers are at the Northern tip of the surf sim.

Nanogunk. From left to right. Original Rezzer, PS2, and Minimal Funboard

The default board size inside each rezzer is the 8'3". You won't find instructions on how to surf the boards in the rezzers on the beaches but there are detailed instructions inside if you purchase them.

Of course you can always get the instructions on the Surf SL website under the flow section. You'll find details on how to set the menu and prepare for which way the wave is breaking.

We truly enjoy the flow board and hope you do too. Its smooth, bento animations and effortless surf bring a nostalgia to real surfing that we don't always find in other boards. Don't get us wrong we love those too!

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