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ABC's of Surfing: Center Wave by MarinaBay

Writer's picture: Solstyce KismetSolstyce Kismet

Every surfer will tell you, the key to surfing starts with learning the waves. Second Life is really no different. Each wave is unique and offers a totally different surf experience.

Today, we will learn about the "Center" by Marina Bay. The Center is one of the more realistic waves Marina Bay makes. If you recall from previous posts in the "ABC's of Surfing", Marina Bay doesn't focus on realism when it comes to wave making in Second Life. He prefers to just have fun with it and create something you enjoy surfing, regardless of how realistic it might be.

The Center wave can be surfed by just about any surfboard but obviously some will be easier than others. We recommend you take your favorite board out and see how it reacts. You can surf this wave at T'ai Surfing. She has a ton of waves rezzed so make sure you study the pattern as they roll in to identify the Center wave. (Hint: its right next to the Tube)

Dimensions: 64m

Price: 4500L inworld, 5200L marketplace

Features: 4 textures, 3 launchers on different channels, auto level, speed select

Buy: Marina Bay Marketplace ; Nazamur Surf Shop (the surf shop is a few shops down from the landing)

Surf the Center wave by MarinaBay at T'ai Surfing.

How to Set-Up a Marina Bay wave:

Now that you've fallen in love with the Center wave and purchased it. How do you set it up? The setup is the same as the last two Marina Bay waves we've discussed: The Biarritz and the Camel so brace yourself for repeated information, but we want to make sure each post is informative independently.

Terraforming is the absolute first step to any wave setup. This wave is 64m long so you want to give yourself enough room to be able to enter the wave from either side. We recommend at least 100m of water width. You'll also want to leave yourself some room at the shoreline for surfers to rest. Surfers typically hang out with their friends on the shore, while sitting on their boards. If you don't allow enough room they will constantly be grabbed by the wave and become increasingly annoyed. Also, you might want to consider enough room for a sloping ground into the water but that is up to your design. For example, a canal might want a drop into the water, whereas a beach might want a slope of sand with increasing depths toward their waves.

In the folder, you will receive 3 "launchers" or rezzers, a pupitre, and 3 "sticks" or markers.

  • Launcher (or rezzer) determines where the wave will begin

  • Stick (or marker) determines where the wave will end

  • Pupitre (or control panel) is how you'll set the textures and speed

First, rez out the launcher wherever you want the wave to appear. This is typically set out as far as you can go toward the ocean but can be set anywhere you want the wave to rez.

Next, set out the stick closer to shore or wherever you want the wave to disappear. Make sure they're lined up or your waves will move at an angle.

Picture taken by Teddysnugglebear.Littlepaws

Finally, rez out the pupitre and choose your texture, launch time, and speed. Take some time to make sure everything is set up to your liking before hiding everything. You can always see any invisible item by pressing ctrl + alt + T also.

Texture donated by Teddysnugglebear Littlepaws

Remember to give yourself lots of room in the water for waves and the most important thing is to have fun! If you have any questions, you can always contact Wave Salty inworld or head over to T'ai Surfing and talk to Teddy at the Surf School.

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